
Carbon bracket for Sheave

Time for some "carbon work" - recently we had a carbon bracket fail. The "sheave" was mounted in a carbon U-shape bracket with a stainless steel pin. The alignment of the rope was "crooked" and the whole assembly failed. When you have nobody on hand to make you a new bracket - best option: dust it yourself...


First step was to make a mould out of starboard to get the shape right. It's also important for the poulie to be perfectly aligned and to make sure that the rope can't jump the sheave again.


The mould was made bigger in size to be able to cut the carbon part in two for a second sheave box if needed. Luckily we "trained" in making carbon parts in the past and got a great amount of tips and tricks from "carbon" specialists during our time in Brittany [Bretagne]. 


One of the tricky parts - fitting the new part on the boat. Probably one of the reasons of the original failure was also caused by "limited" access during the first install and it didn't get any easier.


The new sheave box got fitted and so far it's working out great - fingers crossed...

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